Aware (2)

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We can help you to protect the area around your resort. We will do some online petitions that influence global environmental policies; we provide some on-line data collections (statistics of the Lake Geneva beach clean up) etc.
We actively participate in environmental protections, we provide counsel and recommendations and « push » people to become « green ».   
Also, we are very involved in the « PROJECT AWARE » project and we are providing you with the following information: The Foundation is a growing movement to protect the ocean planet
The story of PROJECT AWARE :
More than 20 years ago, a group of environmental advocates at the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) founded Project AWARE. They were deeply concerned about emerging threats to the underwater world. For two decades Project AWARE’s mission was to educate divers about emerging ocean issues and encourage participation in underwater conservation activities. More than 1000 dive operators and countless dive volunteers committed to marine protection efforts worldwide.
Today, Project AWARE is doing more. On World Oceans Day, June 8th 2011, Project AWARE flipped the switch on an unprecedented global movement of divers acting in their own communities to protect oceans. We support a movement for divers around the world to combine efforts–online and offline–for positive and long-lasting environmental change.
We hope you’ll join Project AWARE and thousands of divers in protecting our ocean–one dive at a time.
Press Center

Get the latest news on how Project AWARE and the global movement of divers are working to protect our ocean planet.

•    Project AWARE Launches Ocean Action Project
•    Divers Mobilize on Earth Day to Save Sharks
•    Project AWARE Board of Directors Launch a Challenge for the Ocean
•    More Protection Needed in Governments Landmark Proposal for the Coral Sea
•    Sharks are Given a Fighting Chance as EU inches Towards Closing Finning Ban Loopholes
•    Scuba Divers Rally Worldwide for Sharks in Danger
•    Scuba Divers Super-Charge Cleanup Efforts for Debris Month of Action

•    New Project AWARE Action Plan Galvanizes Scuba Divers for Ocean Protection

Action Highlights

Dive Friends and RBC Blue Water Project Clean Above & Below Water at Te Amo Beach
Kralendijk, Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean

Posted in English, Environmental.