Olympics London 2012

Olympics 2012 in London, great opening ceremony, also we saw the gymnastic and the box… some pictures and articles

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Conferences & Exhibitions

We publish and arrange contacts for various exhibitions and shows (example the MIDE exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia welcoming professionals from around the world for easy contacts.

We are invited by various countries to provide numerous kinds of extreme sports activities such as Multi-Sports, Karate, Ski, Diving, Rescue
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Organizer, animator  and participant of large meetings

Our staff is also participating in various training courses, among others: for photos, video but also in business seminars (how to increase your turnover), Journalistic training courses.
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Some seminars we have done :

The business from A to Z and how to grow

How to increase your turnover in 3 days

Advanced Lighting Techniques for Photo and Video :

Video White Balance – A Practical Approach To Getting It Right

How To Make Money With Underwater-Film and Photography

Extreme Underwater Photography – Capturing The Wild Ocean

Learn To Shoot Video Like A Pro!

Constant Light: Using Underwater Video Lights With A D-SLR

How To Promote Underwater-Film And Photography

Creative Underwater Photography Techniques

Social Media: A New Approach To Customer Relationships

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